15 Trends in the Livestreaming Industry

Livestreaming have taken the world by storm. A Recent study shows at least almost 50% of the world’s mobile traffic to be utilized for livestreaming in one way or another.

In this short video, the team could immediately regurgitate up to 15 different kinds off live stream content currently out there and we won’t be surprised if this is only a fraction what the livestreaming world can offer.

Some notable ones would be;

#1 Gaming

In recent years, the growth in gaming industry has been exponential.

Already worth over $1 billion, the market is projected by experts to triple by 2025. E-sports is regularly packing stadiums with avid fans, spawning new professional teams, and selling massive sponsorship deals.

This boom in e-sports – and in online multiplayer gaming in general — has created a commercial audience of digital natives that is both young and affluent. It’s a growing segment that sees gaming as a lifestyle, and they see professional e-sports gamers and personalities as their heroes.

#10 Conferences

With Safe Distancing Measures since the turn of 2020. Having a large gathering of people physically occupy a room is no longer possible for a good part of the year. Conferences or events with large gathering of people were highly discouraged to curb the spread of the virus.

Business and corporations were quick to adopt Virtual means to hold large scale events. By setting up a virtual room to ensure privacy, management were able to present the latest in the industry to those who tuned it. And from the safety of their homes, the general staff was able to tune in and keep up to date with performance of the company.

#15 Interviews

It can be hard to retain the attention of your viewers when you’re speaking into the camera alone. Bringing someone else onboard, preferably an expert, and have a live session where you pick their brains and ask them questions about their expertise will be rewarding for your viewers. You may even take questions from your viewers via the live chat function and keep the viewers and interviewee engaged.

View the full video below where we list through up to 15 varieties of type of livestream content.


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How Livestreaming can support your business