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7 Reasons Why You Should Turn Your Expertise to an Online Course

If you’re used to coaching, speaking, training, or educating in physical classes, you may have noticed that many of your peers and competitors have recently started releasing online courses. And this may have caused you to consider whether this is something you should try out yourself. But perhaps you’re feeling hesitant because you think that online courses are just something to tide people over during the pandemic and that, once it’s over, everybody will go straight back to physical trainings.

If that’s the case, we’d like to encourage you to think again. Because creating online courses has so many more benefits than just serving as a solution for connecting with your audience during COVID-19. In fact, in this article, we’ll explore seven of the best reasons why it’s worth turning your training expertise into an online course.

1) Generate Passive Income

Let’s start with perhaps the most convincing reason to create online courses: it’s a very effective way to generate passive income. Because when you do in-person trainings, you have to put in hours each and every time you go out and teach or speak, meaning that your profit has a time cost. But when you have an online course, you don’t have to put any more time or work in when you have new students. Once the groundwork is complete, you can use automation tools so that you can just sit back and watch your course generate income for you without you having to lift a finger. Sounds like our kind of job.

2) One and Done

Not only does teaching in-person courses require your time, but it also requires quite a bit of effort and energy. After all, anybody who has ever gotten up in front of an audience to speak knows how much it takes out of you to do so. What’s great about online courses is that they require you to teach your material once, not over and over again. You can put all of the effort and investment in the world into making sure that your course is of the highest quality possible - one time - and then you never have to do it again.

3) Prove Yourself

By putting out a piece of content as rich and valuable as an online course, you get the opportunity to really grow your personal brand. Now, many more people will be able to become aware of the unique skill set that you have that was once displayed offline to a limited group instead of online to an unlimited audience. As a result, you can really position yourself as an expert in your field and a thought leader, giving you the kind of hard evidence required to show people that you really know what you are talking about and that what you have to offer is valuable. As a result, you’ll see many opportunities come your way from interviews to one-on-one coaching to guest blogging and more.

4) Grow Your Audience

As we mentioned above, online courses can reach many more people than an in-person seminar can. After all, your potential clientele for a physical class is limited only to the people who are able and willing to get themselves to the location where you are teaching at the time that you will be there. But online courses are available to the entire world, an international audience full of people who - if they are satisfied with your offerings - can then become potential followers, advocates, ambassadors, and testimonials.

5) Do It On Your Own Time

One of the most beautiful things about online courses - for both those who take them and those who teach them - is that they take place online, meaning that they can be taken at one’s one pace, at one’s own time, in the place where they see fit. So instead of having to be limited by the hours that are convenient for your audience and the locations that are willing to host you for a seminar - as well as the cost associated with that - you can choose when you want to work on your online course. If it suits you to create your course content in the middle of the night, that is your decision to make. All that matters is that you create something of quality.

6) Affordability

As you probably already know quite well, teaching classes in person can get quite pricy. Not only do you have to pay for the space where the course will be held, but you also have to invest in various things such as whatever materials you might print for your participants, name tags, pens, notebooks, projectors, refreshments, and so on. Ideally, you can recoup this cost from your course’s participants, but it’s still a high upfront investment. In contrast, online courses are much more affordable to create. All you have is a one-time cost for the creation of your course materials, and whatever costs are associated with the platform you upload your course onto.

7) Make an Impact

At the end of the day, the reason that we begin speaking, teaching, training, and educating is that we want to share our knowledge. We recognize the value of what we know and we have a dream of sharing that resource with other people so that they, too, can benefit from it. And the truth is that the impact that you can make with your in-person courses is minimal compared to the kind of difference you can make with an online course.

Because anybody can take your online course. You can also offer discounts and even free materials for specific audiences that you especially want to serve who may not be able to afford to take your course for full price. When you turn your expertise into an online course, the number of students you have will grow and so will the impact you have on the world. And that is something that you can feel good about for the rest of your life.

Make Your Online Course Today

While creating an online course can be simple and straightforward, it also might be a little intimidating for people who don’t have any experience with content creation, video production, or online course platforms. That’s where we come in. If you live in Singapore and have a desire to turn your expertise into an online course, Blissful Studios wants to help make your dream come true and assist you in making your mark on the world.

With our Course Launcher, you’ll receive our help with everything that it takes to create an online course for the first time. From video production to the setup of online course services, we offer an all-in-one suite for you to turn your expertise into an online course. Book a call today to learn more about Course Launcher and start reaping the seven benefits listed above.