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Elevating Authority with the KLT Factor

Elevating Authority with the KLT Factor

The KLT factor is a proven way to build authority in your industry. It's simple, but it works. The KLT factor is all about getting people to know, like and trust you through your marketing strategy.

The first step is to get them to know you. Once they know you, they will begin to like you and trust you more. What's most important is to keep yourself grounded and align yourself with your goals & objectives so that everything falls into place for success!

How to elevate authority

If you want to elevate authority and increase your influence, consider the following:

Know Your Audience

If you're trying to persuade a group of people, it's important to understand them and what they think; this will help you tailor your message accordingly. For example, if you are a financial consultant who focuses on helping women get the proper insurance before getting pregnant, you need to find out which social media platforms, apps, and even cafes they like to frequent. You also need to understand their biggest concerns before trying to help them.

It is all about being relatable to your ideal audience and making them feel like you are talking directly to them. You don't need to be an expert on every topic in order for others to take your opinions seriously—just make sure that your ideas are relevant and applicable to your audience. 

Know What You Are Talking About

Those who appear most knowledgeable about their subject matter often have extensive experience in it. They may provide access to resources like books or online materials that can help others stay informed about current events related to that subject or industry. 

For example, if someone wanted advice from me about starting a business (which happens often), I would ask her questions about what type of business she wants and where she'd like her company located before offering any suggestions. I could tell by her answers whether she knows what she needs in her business. Bottom line for me: I don't want you to waste your money on marketing and advertising when you are just not ready yet.

This is the same for anyone who is trying to persuade someone else. The more you know about a particular topic, the better able you'll be able to explain it or offer solutions.

KLT factor is a proven way to build authority in your industry

In other words, when you're an expert in the field, people are more likely to listen to you and trust what you say. In fact, according to this study, people will even pay more for products or services from experts than those who are not considered authorities on the subject!

So what exactly is KLT and how you can start applying it into your social media presence today? These will shed some light for you.

1. Get them to KNOW you

Establish a presence by creating content that establishes your authority in the eyes of your audience. Get them to know what you do, why it matters and how it impacts their lives. It's just like going on your first date. Before you can even secure the date, you must make an advance. It may include activities like saying "Hi", sending a text, giving a call every morning, get to know each other better and then, you finally ask that person out for a date. 

People think that just because you're on social media, you don't need to build relationships the same way as you would in-person. That's completely false. In fact, you need to make yourself available to your audience by offering multiple ways for them to engage with your content, including live events and webinars where they can ask questions or interact directly with you or other experts on a specific topic related to the one being covered in the webinar/live event.

2. Once they know you, they will LIKE you

The KLT factor is all about being genuine and authentic, so don't be afraid to let your personality shine through in your online presence. Share your story with others when appropriate and use humor as a way of connecting with them on a personal level (if that's your vibe!).

Be generous with your time. Sharing information that can benefit others' lives (not just yours), so people see that you're more than just a business owner or entrepreneur—you're also an expert in your field who wants to help others succeed! 

3. Then, they will TRUST you

While you’re busy building credibility and authority, don’t forget about trust. Trust is the most important part of the KLT factor, because it ensures that your audience will buy from you now and in the future.

If you want to build trust with your audience, then consistency is key. Consistency means doing everything possible to deliver on what you promise—and delivering early and often! Your customers will know what they can expect from working with or buying from you every time they do business with you.

Being consistent also means communicating authentically and transparently (with no hidden agendas). This doesn't mean being honest all of the time; rather it means being sincere in one's intentions while also acknowledging mistakes when they happen (because they will). 

In addition to being authentic in word and deed, a trusted expert also encourages dialogue between themselves and their audience by responding quickly when comments are made on their blog post or social media posts—and not just when there's something positive to say about themself!

Align to your goals & objectives

Whatever it is, the first step to establishing authority is aligning your goals and objectives with your audience. In other words, you must have a clear sense of what it is you want to achieve. If you sometimes feel like you are swaying away from your goals, it's time to take a pause and reset your activities. You set those goals for a reason. There's no reason to adjust it while you're going through the momentum. Let it flow first before pivoting to something better.

The right marketing strategies

You may have the best marketing strategies in the world, but if they don't reflect your goals or your audience's needs, they're worthless. Your marketing strategy can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal—but only if it aligns with what you and your audience need.

Don't let someone else's marketing strategy alter yours; instead, consider that person's advice as an addition to your arsenal of weapons and tactics. In today's world, trends are everywhere—don't jump onto them simply because everyone else is doing so. Instead, be authentic and true to yourself by building a cohesive brand identity around who you are as a business leader, not based on what other people think would work for you or for them.


There you have it! The three key ingredients to elevate authority in your industry. But remember, this isn't just about getting people to like you; it's about building trust and making sure that your audience understands who you are as an individual and what value proposition your brand can bring to them. With these strategies in mind, we hope that you'll be able to take advantage of everything KLT has to offer!

If you would like to elevate your leadership journey online even further, speak with us about helping you be the leader you want your potential recruits to know you as.

Let Us Tell Your Story

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