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How To Get Audience Engagement

What is Audience Engagement?

As simple as it sounds, it is basically a group of people actively responding to you and your content. It is essential to keep your audience engaged. Once they feel engaged, they will be looking forward for your next content and in terms of going live, they will be intrigued and will keep tuning in to see what you have to share with them.

Let’s take a look at getting audience engagement through content marketing first:

Audience Engagement Through Content Marketing

Step #1 - Connect With Your Audience

Like most youtubers always say at the end of their videos, “Like, Share & Comment …” It is the same for you to get your audience engagement. Look for content that your target audience usually are interested in. Before doing your content marketing, you should have already done your research on your target audience.

Step #2 - Socialise With Your Audience

Gear your content to your audience’s knowledge, experience and interests. Again, you should already have an idea on your audience’s interests before creating any content for them.

Whenever there are enquiries, try to reply them with an effective solution as soon as possible. Avoid any harsh languages.

Step #3 - Humanise Your Posts

Once in awhile, create content that shares your common challenges, pain point and self-experience. With this content, your audience might be able to relate to it and they will understand what you have to go through to get the right products/services just for them.

Now let’s take a look at getting audience engagement through livestreaming:

Audience Engagement Through Livestreaming

Step #1 - First Impression

Creating a first impression is very important as it is one of the things that determines whether your viewer will stay in you live or skip to the next one. In planning your live, you would want to strategically consider the first impression. It is best for you to make your viewer curious and interested about the product you are going to sell or the topic that you are going to present.

Step #2 - Have A List Of Information Ready

Always be ready to answer your viewers questions. The most usual questions people ask on live are:

  • How much is your [product/service]?

  • Do you any other similar options?

  • How do I purchase from you?

Never get tired of answering the same question again and again throughout the livestream. When you see the same question, it is probably from another viewer. That viewer might have tuned in to your live slightly later and did not get to hear your answer previously.

Providing information to your viewers does not mean you should expose a lot of things. You should concentrate on the essential parts of what you want to share. If you feel that certain things cannot be said live, you can always tell the viewer that you will contact him/her personally to answer his/her question.

Step #3 - Have A Simple Setup

You only need a camera, a light source and a microphone. It should be good enough for you to do an effective livestream to reach out to your audience.

Watch this video below to discover 7 livestreaming tips from us before you get started with your live!

Step #4 - Be Relatable

Allow your audience to relate with your story. While selling your products/services, bring in some stories of your experience and walk your viewers through what you had to face and do in order to be where you are right now.

Be comfortable with sharing your story with your viewers and in return, your viewers will be comfortable with you. At the same time, it will naturally increase the sense of trust and loyalty from them. Then, they will purchase from you whenever they are ready.

Getting the audience engagement for your social media takes time, especially you are starting from nothing. Be consistent and have patience. Keep giving to others and in future, the favour will be returned to you and your business.

Learn More About Livestreaming Today

While creating an online content can be simple and straightforward, it also might be a little intimidating for people who don’t have any experience with content creation, video production, or online course platforms.

That’s where we come in.

If you live in Singapore and have a desire to turn your knowledge into an online content, Blissful Studios wants to help make your dream come true and assist you in making your mark on the world.

With our GoLive Checklist, you’ll receive our help with everything that it takes to create an online content for the first time.

From video production to the setup of online course services, we offer an all-in-one suite for you to turn your expertise into an online content. Book a call today to learn more about what we do and how we can help you in your business.