Blissful Studios

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How to get High Quality Audio for your videos.

Use the right Microphone

Firstly you need to identify the purpose of the recording, and use the right microphone for the job. There are various microphones, such as shotgun, lavalier and handheld.

Why not just use the in-built microphone of the camera or headphones?

Built-in microphones may be suitable to capture the sound from the video of your kids running around or capturing highlights of your day to day events. The main reason why you need a dedicated microphone is so the audio captured for the video is crystal clear for your videos. A detail easily overlooked when doing a video.

Shotgun Microphones are usually on top of the camera and placed facing the subject. Since it is directed facing the subject, the audio quality is much more clearer with lesser ambient noise.

Lavalier Microphones can be either wired or wireless. Even though they may cost a pretty penny as compared to the other microphones. It helps pick up clearer audio as it is placed directly below the mouth; getting an unobstructed audio.

Consider your filming location

Location of filming makes a lot of difference when determining good audio quality. Wether it is indoors or outdoors. Some factors that may affect the quality of the audio is the noise of the ceiling fan, noise from the outdoors through an open window or even the the sound the door makes as it closes. All these can be picked up by the microphone and affect the audio of the video.

When shooting outdoor, there may be external factors that is beyond your control. So what you can do is ensure there isn’t any construction nearby the filming location or there are no strong winds or heavy traffic which can be picked up by the microphones.

Have audio Backups and Monitor

It will be good to have audio back-ups. Meaning to say, use more than one audio recorder. In the event on of the audio may have any discrepancies, you still have another audio recording to use for the final edit. That being said, throughout the recording, its important to Monitor the audio levels. If the audio levels are too soft, it will not be clear and if the audio levels are too loud, it will be unpleasant and distorted. This is all for a good and clear audio for your be used for your video.

Get a separate Audio Recorder

Lastly, if it is possible, its best to get a separate Audio Recorder to record the audio. What this does it captures the best sound signal from your microphones resulting in a better file source for you to do your editing later on.

Its also important to ensure the audio you’re recording can be used for the platform that you are ultimately using it on. It may be direct to a Livestream or using the audio to be edited into a Video later on, the right microphone is important to capture the kind of Audio you require, later on.

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